Real protection comes from zero pollution

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that 7 million people die each year from polluted air . Reducing air pollution can save millions of lives . Having zero-pollution indoor air is vital to us.

PM2.5 poisons the placenta!
Causes miscarriage and underweight babies

The study, published in the journal Nature Communications,is the first to show that air pollution particles breathed in by the mother can cross the placenta.

The study found thousands of particles in the placenta of each subject.

Research has established a link between exposure to air pollution and miscarriage, premature birth , and low birth weight .

The study examined the placentas of 25 non-smoking women in the Belgian town of Hasselt and found an average of 20,000 nanoparticles per cubic millimeter in the placentas of mothers who lived near a main road, while those who lived farther away had an average of 10,000. The study also found these particles in the placentas of aborted fetuses.

Source: Environmental Information Center

PM2.5 increases the chances of premature birth and respiratory diseases in infants!

Increase the chance of premature birth and reduce the weight of newborns

A three-year study by Dr. C. Hansen of the University of Queensland, Australia , covering 28,200 newborns, found that exposure to PM10 suspended particles in the first three months of pregnancy increased the chance of premature birth by 15% . A study in a scientific journal in September 2015 pointed out that pregnant women inhaling PM2.5 will affect the weight of the fetus and cause the weight of the newborn to decrease, which may be because suspended particles cause insufficient oxygen and nutrients in the pregnant woman’s blood to be supplied to the fetus.

Induce fetal asthma and respiratory allergies

Suspended particles enter the human body through breathing, affecting the respiratory tract and lungs, causing coughing, sneezing, decreased vital capacity, decreased lung function, chronic inflammation , and then causing asthma, respiratory allergies, chronic bronchitis and other diseases . The impact is particularly significant on children and patients with lung diseases.

PM2.5 causes children's intelligence to decline and increases the risk of otitis media and cancer!

Affects the brain and lowers children’s IQ

A study on the air quality of pregnant women published in the American professional academic journal Environmental Health Perspectives showed that excessive inhalation of automobile exhaust by pregnant women can lead to a decline in the intelligence of their children. Multiple studies have confirmed that the rates of Alzheimer’s disease and its early pathological changes in adults in severely polluted areas are significantly higher, and PM2.5 can affect brain function and change brain cells that dominate learning and memory functions.

Causes fetal otitis media

Airborne particles increase the risk of otitis media in children . A multinational study in the Netherlands and Germany , involving 3,700 two-year-old children in the Netherlands and 650 children in Germany, found that the risk of otitis media in children in both countries increased with the increase of outdoor airborne particle concentration.

Cancer risk

Several studies have found that PM2.5 suspended particles can cause cancer, especially metal particles.

The World Health Organization and the International Cancer Agency have classified PM2.5 as a Group 1 carcinogen.

Source: Financial News, excerpted from Jiang Shoushan, chief physician of the Nephrology Department of Shin Kong Hospital

PM2.5 is a serious hazard!
Infants' oral expression, memory and learning ability

Nicholas Rees, a policy expert at the United Nations Children’s Fund, clearly pointed out that    the critical period for infant brain development is approximately within 1,000 days after birth.

Because the tiny suspended particles in the air are too small to be excreted by the human body, once they enter the child’s body, they will invade the cerebral blood vessel wall, causing encephalitis , thereby hindering the child’s nerve development. This will cause the child to have serious deficiencies in oral expression, IQ and memory , and it will be difficult for the child to fully develop his learning ability and potential.

Therefore, it is crucial to eliminate air pollution and seize the golden 1,000 days for children’s intellectual development .

Source: “Parenting World”

Air pollution increases infant mortality risk

In 2020, there were 387 newborn deaths, with a mortality rate of 0.24%. In
2021, there were 425 newborn deaths, with a mortality rate of 0.27%.
In 2022, there were 383 newborn deaths, with a mortality rate of 0.28%.

PM2.5 in the air is approaching zero, which means the air is truly safe



Thousands of global patents developed over many years

10 years of research and development, 2 billion investment, 1,892 patent applications worldwide, 1,528 patents obtained

Air Pollution Visualization

PM2.5, PM10, carbon dioxide, TVOC, temperature, and humidity are all visible

Zero noise and pollution

Let ZAPClean Room protect you silently and be your guardian


We will provide a comprehensive assessment at your home to create the most suitable air pollution solution for you.

Intelligent system

Automatically monitor air quality and adjust wind speed

Eliminate pollution sources immediately

Catching bad elements in the air

Every breath is extremely clean, ZAPClean Room protects your baby

The first health-oriented design, ZAPClean Room indoor zero-cleaning system

<ADDWII Technology>developed the smart ZAPClean Room, the world’s first specification designed for human health
Use ZAPClean Room, improve cleanliness by283 times , and give you 283 times healthier

Case Studies

Case (I) & (II) Achieving PM2.5<2 μg/m 3

Case Study (I) 165 m2

Case Study (II) 248 m2

ZAPClean Room Demo Room Test Results

Welcome to visit the Tucheng District Demo Room

SGS test results

All air pollution values ​​are far below government regulations

ZAPClean Room Demo Room

※Yanneng Technology Co., Ltd. is the manufacturer of ZAPClean Room

The world's first

A clean room for the human body report

ZAPClean Room

Bacteria count can be reduced by up to 75 times
PM2.5 can be reduced by up to 283 times
PM10 can be reduced by up to 404 times
Formaldehyde can be reduced to 0.012 ppm

Protect your baby's brain, lungs, and respiratory tract health and prevent PM2.5 damage

Why choose ZAPClean Room?

The only one in the world

Move clean rooms into hospital wards, clinics, halls and other spaces to allow human lungs to enjoy the same clean environment as chip manufacturing

high tech

Indoor air pollution is detected at any time, quickly captured, and automatically adjusted to eliminate it immediately

High affirmation

Third-party SGS certification, PM2.5, PM10, bacteria, fungi, CO, CO2, TVOC and other air pollution values ​​are far lower than the current environmental standards

283 times

Improve cleanliness, protect your skin, and make your health more worry-free

Astonishing number of global patents!

1,892 patent applications and 1,528 patents granted worldwide

The internationally renowned journal Nature states that
air pollution can promote the occurrence of lung adenocarcinoma

An increase of 1 μg/m 3 in long-term average PM 2.5
is statistically associated with an 11% increase in COVID-19 mortality

Long-term exposure to ambient PM 2.5
is associated with COVID-19 mortality

ZAPClean Room

Five-star review

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我是個長期鼻子過敏的人,每到換季早上起來必定打噴嚏流鼻水。 最近認養了貓咪,發現自己的過敏更加顯著,就算我一天内使用 吸塵器清除貓毛也無法改善,後來試用了ZAPCLEAN Room後 發現打噴嚏流鼻水的狀況緩和了許多,而且甚至在清理貓砂時氣 味也一併清除了。現在的我更能與貓親近和平共處了。
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自從家裡安裝了ZAP Clean Room之後,空氣質量真的好太多 了!過去我晚上因為過敏總是鼻塞,但現在完全沒這問題,睡眠 質量大大提升。早晨醒來也特別清爽,感覺整個人都精神多了。 真的很推薦,讓我的生活質量得到了明顯的提高!
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家是開放式廚房,我們喜歡自己做飯,但是有時候爆炒的 時候,油煙就會飄到客廳,讓我們覺得很不舒服,也擔心 對肺部有影響。自從使用了ZAPClean Room明顯感受到 客廳油煙味變少了。
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媽媽本身肺部不好又有在家煮飯的習慣,自從每天開著 ZAPClean Room後媽媽以及家中其他長輩和小孩在短 時間內都能感受到室内空氣的變化。
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家有新生兒,每天都在想如何更有效的讓寶寶健康成長 外面流感一波又一波,做家長的總是提心吊膽,在家安裝 ZAPClean Room之後讓我放心許多了,最乾淨的空氣 就在家裡,除了降低染病的可能,寶寶的情緒似乎也較為 安穩,家中有小寶貝的父母值得一試。
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我個人有潔癖,以前都用市售清淨機來清潔家中空氣,但從來 沒有一款可以真正讓我放心,自從認識了 ZAPClean Room 我才知道,原來空氣也可以淨化到這麼乾淨的地步。連呼吸都 可以讓潔癖的我感到心情穩定,再也不用擔心髒東西了。
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自從用了ZAPClean Room後,精神狀況比以前好了,過敏 情形幾乎獲得改善,周遭附近灰塵量明顯降低,環境清潔等級 也提高不少,整體上是很不錯的產品。
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自己本身有蕁麻疹的困擾,皮膚在不乾淨的空氣裡就會過敏 自從用了ZAPClean Room整個症狀就改善很多,因為過敏 症狀改善,所以工作也可以更集中、更專注不會被過敏打斷思 緒,真的非常推薦!
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每天處在ZAPClean Room 的環境之中,就有一種安心感。 從小我就容易鼻子過敏,每到日夜溫差大的春秋季節就更是不 得安寧。一開始打噴嚏就不會停,也時常影響到辦公室的同事 嚴重的時候更是眼睛紅腫,紅腫到忍不住揉眼睛,越操越嚴重 現在每天處在乾淨的空氣中,這些困擾全都不見了呢!

ZAPClean Room

Product-related third-party certification


It can be used in about three weeks.
The actual time depends on the scale.

  • Communication and discussion of customer needs:
    Communication and discussion of customer needs, equipment specifications, site environment, and other considerations
  • Actual site survey and measurement assessment:
    Use particle counters to measure the cleanliness and air tightness of each site to conduct ZAPClean Room assessment
  • System design engineering:
    arrange actual on-site surveys, measurements and parameter collection according to drawings, and
    conduct system design and equipment specification evaluation and confirmation according to customer requirements.
  • Turnkey project:
    equipment configuration and installation, secondary piping (installation), construction management, and indoor PM and CO2 concentration safety
    and reference outdoor environment monitoring data and inspection.
  • Certification project:
    Certification by an independent third party

Based on the specifications of ZAPClean Room 9,
the number of fine colonies is 20 CFU/m³,
the number of fungal colonies is 20 CFU/m³,
the average PM2.5 value is 0.12 μg/m³,
the average PM10 value is 0.18 μg/m³,
CO2 is 500-800 ppm,
and formaldehyde is 0.012 ppm.

Replace once a year (the exact life span will be calculated based on the actual usage environment before replacement)

Cash/remittance: one-time payment upon signing
the contract Credit card: installment payment

ZAPClean Room hardware equipment is under warranty for 2 years and under warranty for 10 years.

Every breath is extremely clean, ZAPClean Room protects your baby

The first health-oriented design, ZAPClean Room indoor zero-cleaning system